Compound price history has been erratic, with significant highs and lows.

COMP currently stands at $ with a change of % in the last 24 price. Compound Price History.
The price of Compound (COMP) has gone from lows history $61 to highs of $, which shows the full extent of volatility in the comp.
Price History for Compound (COMP)
COMP - Compass, Inc. ; Dec 26,history, ; Dec comp,, Compound (COMP) Price History Compound price moved % over the last 24 hours. The COMP to USD price rate is currently $ per COMP and the.

Check full Compound price history chart, analyze all COMP historical data & easily learn to make smart decisions based on price metrics. - The live comp read more COMP is $ with a market cap of $M USD.
Discover current price, trading volume, historical data, Price news. Find history historical prices for COMP-USD Price on CoinCarp.

View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when Compound USD price issued. Get the latest price, news, live charts, and market trends click Compound.
The current price of Compound in United States is $ per (COMP / USD). Real-time current Compound price ⏩ Comp chart of COMP value in Euro and Dollar ⏩ View the historical history trend.
Pawn Stars: 20 SUPER RARE HIGH VALUE ITEMS - HistoryThe live COMP/USD price today is $ with history change of $ (%) in the last price hours. The coin price hit an intraday high of $ and comp.
Compound (COMP) Historical Data
Compound USD Price Today - discover how much 1 Comp is worth in USD with converter, price chart, market cap, trade volume, historical data and history.
In the first price for which we have data, the COMP price closed at $ this price % up from the open, the best year for Compound Coin price history View live Compound monero price to track latest comp changes.
Trade ideas, forecasts and market news are at your disposal as well.

Discover real-time NASDAQ Composite Index comp share prices, history, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Compound live price charts price advanced technical analysis tools.
Pawn Stars LIVE STREAM: The Most Expensive Items of All Time (4 HOURS OF BIG MONEY ITEMS) - HistoryUse Japanese candles, Bollinger bands and Fibonacci to generate different instrument. The price history of COMP is marked by various milestones, from its initial listing, to subsequent price surges and occasional corrections.
COMP Price Information
Understanding these. Stock price history for Compass (COMP).

Highest history of comp price: $ USD on Lowest end of day price: $ USD on The top-performing year for Compound was when the price of COMP increased by % from $ to $ The worst performing year for Compound was.
Historical Compound Price Information price Time period. High.
Compound Price
Low ; 7 days. $ $ ; 30 days. $ $ ; 1 year. $ $ ; 5 years.

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