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Stellazzio Coins
Ophiuchus - Return to Queen Stella after collecting all 12 coins above. She will return them to you and ask you to find the 13th and final coin. When you first enter Treno as Steiner and Dagger Throw 13 10 Gil coins into the fountain.

You'll get the Gemini Stellazio coin back. Taurus. Virgo is one locations the Stellazzio coins collected fantasy Queen Stella. It is found in zodiac inn at the Black Final Village, at the top coins the bunk beds.
Final Fantasy IX – Ghosts of Bosses Past
Final Fantasy XI. Stallazio coin locations: Dali windmill. Behind item shop in Treno. At entrance to Treno, throw Gil in fountain 13 times. Beside an overturned cart. Our only remaining overworld task was to hunt down the remaining Stellazzio zodiac coins location in a desperate grab to find the missing.

Location: By the right wall, near the Neptune Statue, at the Alexandria Harbor. You can get there by going through the side door of the west tower of Alexandria.
All 13 Stellazzio Coins Locations! Final Fantasy 9Aries-->In the town of Dali, in the windmill. · Cancer-->In the destroyed town of Burmecia. · Scorpio-->Go to the east of Treno, to find a small cave which leads.

Whether key items for side quests like the Zodiac Coins (can't recall their actual name), secret bosses hiding in unexpected places or just. There are 13 in total, one for each sign of the Zodiac, which is apparently a thing in Final Fantasy 9's world, too.

Stella rewards you with. Leo Stellazzio¶ When you return to Alexandria in Disc 3, take the boat to the castle grounds and head left from the entrance to the castle. A second Ether lies in the chest in the bottom, and the Scorpio Zodiac Coin can be found by searching the south wall.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Chapter 9 All Collectible Locations (All Materia, Weapons, Intel...)Final Fantasy IX Guide · Walkthrough. The stelazios are zodiac coins that you return to the lasy in Treno surrounded in cages. When you give her all 12 she will as you to go searching for the final.
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